The Biden Trump Comparison from the eyes of Asian Americans

Chinese American Voices
5 min readOct 13, 2020

Biden and Trump have a stark contrast in many areas. To Asian Americans, these issues are the ones we see clear differences between the two sides:
• Character & Integrity
• COVID-19 Response
• Crime & Community
• Honoring Our Heroes
• Healthcare
• Climate Change
• Immigration
• Education
• Economic Policy
• Treatment of AAPI’s

There are enough discussions and media publications on the above topics, to bring our focus, we want to highlight the differences in their characters, personal integrity, handling of the COVID pandemics, and the treatment of Asian Americans in the Trump era.

Character & Integrity

Biden record: America’s role model and true leadership

  • Living a humble, devoted, and honest life as a long-time public servant, elected official, and as a practicing Catholic
  • Known as a proven leader with high integrity, extraordinary empathy for the common people, with the ability to bring diverse groups together
  • Reputed for finding common ground with Republican leaders for legislative initiatives
  • No close advisor or associate in the Obama-Biden administration was convicted of any crime
  • Highly admired and trusted by foreign leaders
  • A rare example of developing deep friendships across the political spectrum
  • Building an international coalition and relations in solving global challenges

Trump reality: chaos, conflicts, and destruction for America

  • His “America First” and “Lock them up” slogans are precisely where he stands in his personality, his way of handling business, and the American government. They reflect his way of seeing the world and people around him: “Me First”, “Win at all costs”
  • Destruction to American traditional values and what America has stood for since the beginning; Destruction to the foundation of the American democratic system, driving to a dictatorship by using political tactics and propaganda; brainwashing people and imprisoning them in conspiracies, misinformation, and disinformation for his self-gain
  • Caused a complete failure and disaster in the way how US is handling the COVID crisis; refuse to wear masks and following public policy guidelines; infected by COVID himself and continues to cause the spread the virus in the nation, to his own staff and people around
  • A diaster in ethical standards and values, for example, refusing to release tax records since the beginning of his campaign in 2015; Even after the New York Times revealed his record, he continued to deny the facts
  • His public life is filled with scandals and controversies, with numerous people have written books about him from their personal interactions with him
  • Continues to inflame fear, intimidation, racial divide and hatred among the people; instigates white supremacy, bullying, and violence; Disparages and demonize immigrants, minorities, people of color, and vulnerable communities
  • Continues to spread confusions, chaos, and distractions with his irresponsible twits; Has no respect for science, facts and truth; He has uttered over 20,000 lies and falsehoods; continues to distort the truth and reality to serve his own interest; continues to instigate people around him to do follow the same dangerous path
  • Uses government resources and the White House for his personal gain, routinely mingle his family business with official uses; continues to be involved in cheating, nepotism and corruption
  • Uses government resources and the White House for his own campaign, continuing to violate campaign regulations and finance laws; has no respect for regulations, law and order, yet continue to lie under the name of the “Law and Order”
  • Has no respect towards women and women leaders; his scandals are also related to sex abuse, raping and bullying of women; continues to exert power over women, and take away women’s rights by politizing abortion
  • A psychopath and narcissist as documented by people who have worked and known him for many years
  • One of 3 presidents ever impeached, with multiple close advisors or associates convicted of crimes
  • Has no interest in finding common ground and working with others who disagree with him, moving into a Nazi dictator
  • Caused trade wars, escalated US-China tension, rifts with other countries, bringing down the US status in international relations, completely distrusted by foreign leaders
  • Continues to sell the national interest to please foreign powers including Putin, inviting foreign interference in the US election (the cause of his impeachment)
Credit: CAPAC Congressional Caucus

Treatment of Asian Americans

Biden principle: Respect and empowerment
• Presented a comprehensive platform to support/protect AAPI families and businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic
• Ensure increased minority representation in government
• Aggressively counteract upon increased hate crimes towards AAPI groups and focus on ending violence
• Implement a comprehensive plan to ensure affordable education beyond high school

The detailed plan for AAPI support:

Trump reality: fear, division, hatred, and anti-immigrants

  • Anti-immigrant and “building the wall” policy, driving immigrants out of America and moving to “Make America White Again”
  • Created all kinds of immigration hurdles, cutting quota, causing confusions, increased processing fees, travel bans, restricted visas, and processing delays; Trump stands for a disaster for American immigrants and the immigration system
  • Divide and conquer, using hatred and distrust to separate and weaken the people, for example, using Modi to fracture Indian American community
  • Calling COVID-19 as “China Virus”, continues to spread fear and hatred to Asian Americans; Supporting Taiwan against China, people fighting people
  • Causing US-China trade war, continue to cause international conflicts and escalating tension and divisions among the countries, including withdrawing from the Paris Agreement and WHO at the most critical time of the COVID pandemics
  • Discriminating against Muslims, calling Chinese Americans thieves and virus, accusing Indians of stealing the jobs, and demonizing people of color
  • And more…

For further details, here is an article about the immigration policy comparison between the Biden and Trump campaigns.

Have enough Trump mess for 4 years? Vote him out!



Chinese American Voices

Informing and empowering Chinese Americans in civic engagement and care for America’s future, by Chinese American Voter Alliance — CAVA.