A New Day and A New Beginning

Chinese American Voices
4 min readNov 4, 2020

黑夜已经过去 — 今天是美国华裔的黎明和新开始!革命尚未成功,同志仍需努力!

Good morning everyone! It has been a long day and long week, and it has been a long 4 years of darkness and heaviness!

First and foremost, we want to thank each and every one of you who have found, joined, and stayed with CAVA and progressive forces美国华裔选民联盟, and those of you who have fought hard in this dark time and critical moment of our history!

由衷感谢各位梁上好汉,木兰姊妹,天下英雄豪杰的支持和努力!We are so glad to have this opportunity to meet so many new friends and families who have fought together for what America is truly about and what we truly believe: truth, justice, compassion, progress, and peace! 真理,正义,慈悲,进步,与和平!We are so honored to be connected to every one of you in this “Long March”, holding hands and supporting each other, meeting every difficulty and every challenge along the way in the last 4 years, from trade wars to COVID pandemics, from rising US-China conflicts to anti-Asian hate crimes, and many many more,正所谓乱世出英雄,天下兴亡,匹夫有责!

4 years ago, I was so disheartened by being the only lone soldier in this battle. I was so devastated by always seeing only a few handfuls of 美国华人 would ever come to Women’s March, Science March, Climate Stricks, anti-gun protests, and immigrant rallies. I was so frustrated by the trickeries and lies in WeChat, endless gossips, and useless arguments that went nowhere but a waste of time. I was so angry with the silence, inaction, and complacency of so many Chinese in Wechat, who can’t seem to talk about anything beyond their own kids and money, and many more who have seemed to have lost the soul of being Chinese. Have we all forgotten 风声雨声读书声,声声入耳;家事,国事,天下事,事事关心?

But look at what we have now and what we have accomplished? I am so thrilled to see so many people are coming out and be willing to stand up for our belief and principle, being sincere, genuine, honest, courageous, and committed to what our value is truly about. We are standing up and showing to the rest of America and the rest of the world what our Chinese spirit is truly about — 修身、齊家、治國、平天下.

It is because of the hard work we have done, all of our efforts, that together, we have built a big extended Chinese family and woven the tightly-connected community, which is becoming a clear force and loud voice for America’s democracy and progress! Aren’t we so proud of what we have today after these hard 4 years? In the last 4 years, through these struggles and long marches, we relived what our parents have gone through, what our grand grand parents have taught us “先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”, and what Chinese Americans have struggled through yet often have been obliviated in American history 美国华裔历史.

Nothing comes easy and there is no free meal on this planet. Progress will not fall by itself from the sky, without blood, sweat, and tears (and laughter). Social progress is truly a team effort and continuous struggle. Remember just 100 years ago, how heroes and people before us have responded to crises and made history not only just in China but everywhere in the world?

“我自横刀向天笑,去留肝胆两昆仑!This is what has been taught by our ancestors in their epic stories and classic literature 水浒传,三国治,西游记 … that we all have read about and hear about, through thousands of years of Chinese history and civilization. It is NOW our turn and our choices to decide how we want to continue these legends and write this piece of history — what kind of stories, who are the Chinese, and what we do in the time of crisis, that we want to leave behind to our children? 我们要为后人和孩子们留下一段什么样的历史,什么样的故事?我们又要如何面对腐败的政权,想要把历史拉回过去的势力?我们在国难和世界危机种又要起到一个什么角色?

Are we the ones who succumb to dishonesty and hypocrisy rather than stand up for value and principle? Are we the ones who follow lies and bullies, rather than fight for the truth and compassion? Are we the ones who are complacent and silent to injustice and corruption, rather than cheering for fairness and integrity? Our children are watching us, whether we will be 横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛,or we will be 趋炎附势倒头跪,谎话连篇卖心肠?

Today is not the end, but a new beginning. It is the TIME, we as the Chinese Americans 美国华裔, bring light, hope, and progress working together with all Americans, no matter where they come from and the color of their skin. So many of them are struggling and suffering in the COVID crisis and in the Trump calamity. We are the CHANGE we have been waiting for!

No one else can take this task for us and for Chinese Americans in American society. If you are with me, join this movement, and bring your friends and families to come along: https://www.gocava.org/home/joincontact-us

We have plenty of work ahead and plenty of excitement awaits! It is time we work together to reflect upon the experiences we went through, the lessons we have learned, and the problems we must address in our community, such as wide prevalent disinformation and propaganda on social media, the division and hatred in every social groups, and the social segregation brought by WeChat and other associated problems it had led to so far.

美国华裔选民联盟 CAVA 鸣谢所有在过去4年中为社会进步和维护正义而呼喊而贡献力量的华裔!Let’s pick up this momentum and continue our battle 革命尚未成功,同志仍需努力!



Chinese American Voices

Informing and empowering Chinese Americans in civic engagement and care for America’s future, by Chinese American Voter Alliance — CAVA.